These projects were often self-initiated to help make a better customer experience or to expedite the process behind the scenes.
The two posters were simply to raise awareness of services the print shop offers that students may not be aware of. Since the print shop, where the posters would be printed, could not print full bleed and was not equipped with ways to quickly cut off white margins, I made the white margins part of the design so that it looked more professional and was simple to print.
The website was sorely outdated in appearance and the prices, the information that would change the most often, was also the most difficult to update with the current format. Initially, I was going to code everything myself through dreamweaver, but luckily around the time, the School of Art was undergoing a website redesign as well. I volunteered to take over the transition of the print shop’s website, since many things needed to be updated. I also added information that customers have frequently asked about, and added a biography page for the workers to help instill trust.
The locker map was initially just for the workers, but has proven as a valuable asset to customers as well. The locker manager that was used only had vague locations listed. Many customers would give a room number, but the locker manager had no such information and all the workers could do was make an educated guess, since they couldn’t leave the shop unattended, or ask the customer to go look themselves. This map is primarily for depicted where lockers are relative to classrooms, but also has commonly asked about locations so the workers can visually give directions to customers.